Expand the Graph

In this optional challenge, you can extend the graph with additional data.

All Courses

Currently, the graph contains data from a single course, llm-fundamentals, you can download the lesson files for all the courses.

  1. Download the content for all the courses - data.neo4j.com/llm-vectors-unstructured/courses.zip

  2. Update the graph with the new data

  3. Explore the graph and find the connections between the courses

Additional metadata

While the course content is unstructured, it contains metadata you can extract and include in the graph.

Examples include:

  • The course title is the first level 1 heading in the file - = Course Title

  • Level 2 headings denote section titles - == Section Title

  • The lessons include parameters in the format :parameter: value at the top of the file, such as:

    • :type: - the type of lesson (e.g. lesson, challenge, quiz)

    • :order: - the order of the lesson in the module

    • :optional: - whether the lesson is optional

Explore the course content and see what other data you can extract and include in the graph.

When you are ready to move on, click Continue.


When you are ready, you can move on to the next task.


In this optional challenge, you extended the graph with additional data.