Hasan Timucin Ozdemir's Achievements
Neo4j Certified Professional
Prove your Neo4j credentials with an accredited certification from Neo4j
Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification
- Comprehensive knowledge of the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library
- Graph Data Science workflows
Building Neo4j Applications with Java
- Driver life cycle
- installing and instantiation
- read and write transactions
- best practices
Building Neo4j Applications with Python
- Driver life cycle
- installing and instantiation
- read and write transactions
- best practices
Cypher Fundamentals
- Reading data from the graph
- Writing data to the graph
Cypher Indexes and Constraints
Make your graph more performant with Cypher constraints and indexes
Graph Data Modeling Fundamentals
- Basics of a graph data model
- Modeling and creating nodes and relationships
- Graph Refactoring
Importing CSV Data into Neo4j
- Importing data into Neo4j
- Import CSV files using the Neo4j Data Importer and Cypher
- Post-processing data after import
Intermediate Cypher Queries
Continue your learning journey with Cypher queries
Introduction to Neo4j Graph Data Science
Gain a high-level technical understanding of the Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library
Neo4j Fundamentals
- The basics of graph theory
- Graph structures
- Elements of a graph database
Neo4j Graph Data Science Fundamentals
Learn all you need to know about Graph Algorithms and Machine Learning Pipelines