Nodes and Relationships are separate entities in the Neo4j database, and they are also mapped to separate classes in an application. Depending on your domain model, you will map the database entities to your application entities directly.
Nodes & Relationships
Remember the Spring Data Neo4j building blocks lesson? The Neo4j Template and Spring Data Repositories layers apply the domain. This means that the generic driver type classes will not be used (and their methods inaccessible) when using the Spring Repositories layer. Instead, objects coming from the database will be mapped to the domain object and their methods.
Memory recap: Spring Data Neo4j building blocks

This can be applied to the coffee shop example from the previous lesson.
To retrieve coffee shop orders, you must set the return type on any methods to the domain object (in this case, Order
). The @Node
annotation on the Order
class tells Spring to map this domain object to node entities in the database.
class Order {
String transactionId;
String orderNumber;
LocalDate orderDate;
LocalTime orderTime;
@Relationship(value = "BOUGHT", direction = Relationship.Direction.INCOMING)
Customer customer;
@Relationship(value = "SOLD", direction = Relationship.Direction.INCOMING)
Employee employee;
//constructor, getters, and setters
interface OrderRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Order, String> {
@Query("MATCH (o:Order)<-[rel]-(person) RETURN * LIMIT 10;")
List<Order> findTenOrders();
Spring will try to map the object returned from the repository query to the Order
class, and if it is unable to, the application will error. This is important to keep in mind when writing your queries - you must return the same object from the query that you want to map in the application domain.
The entity exposes the get and set methods defined in the domain class for member variables. For example, order.getCustomer()
would return the Customer
object associated with the order.
objects are similar to those for Node
in that they also are mapped to any domain objects specified. If there are no specific properties on the relationship, you can skip a separate domain object and map connections between nodes directly. However, if you have relationship properties, then a separate class is needed to map those values. Using the @Relationship
annotation notifies Spring that this variable maps to a relationship in the database.
class Order {
//other fields
@Relationship(value = "BOUGHT", direction = Relationship.Direction.INCOMING)
Receipt customerReceipt;
//constructor, getters, and setters
class Receipt {
String id;
Double orderTotal;
Customer customer;
//constructor, getters, and setters
For instance, if you want to map an orderTotal
property on the relationship between an Order
and a Customer
, you would define a Receipt
class with the @RelationshipProperties
annotation, then map the relationship from the Order
to the Receipt
entity and Receipt
to Customer
Just like with nodes, relationship properties can be accessed with getter and setter methods - for example, receipt.getOrderTotal()
. However, since you cannot access a relationship by itself, you traverse from the node to the relationship to access it.
Check Your Understanding
1. Relationship Entity
True or False: A separate relationship class (annotated with @RelationshipProperties
) is only required if you need to retrieve/store/access properties on the relationship.
✓ True
❏ False
The annotation @RelationshipProperties
is a class where you define relationship properties that you want to retrieve/store/access in the application.
The answer is True.
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, you learned how database node and relationship entities are mapped and handled in a Spring Data Neo4j application.
Next, you will begin building the application for this course, starting with the data model.