Module overview
There are many ways that you can query a subset or subgraph of the data in the graph.
In this module, you will:
Review basic query filtering.
Evaluate strings in your query filtering.
Retrieve data using patterns in the graph.
Learn how to specify multiple or optional
Data model for this course
This course uses the movie dataset for all the queries you will be running and writing. This is the same dataset that will be used for the application development courses in GraphAcademy.
Here is the graph data model:

You can view the data model in the sandbox to the right by executing this query:
CALL db.schema.visualization()
The node labels for the graph include:
The relationships for the graph include:
ACTED_IN (with an optional role property)
DIRECTED (with an optional role property)
RATED (with rating and timestamp properties)
Also notice that the nodes have a number of properties, along with the type of data that will be used for each property. It is important that you understand the property types defined in the data model.
You can view the property types for nodes in the graph by executing this query:
CALL db.schema.nodeTypeProperties()
You can view the property types for relationships in the graph by executing this query:
CALL db.schema.relTypeProperties()
Each node with a given label has a property that uniquely identifies the node. These nodes are indexed in the graph.
Movie nodes use movieId.
Person nodes use tmdbId.
User nodes use userId.
Genre nodes use name.
You can view the uniqueness constraint indexes in the graph by executing this query: