Viewing the Ordered Results

imdb ratings

Lowest rating

This query returns the movie titles with the highest imdbRating values first:

MATCH (m:Movie)
WHERE m.imdbRating IS NOT NULL
RETURN m.title, m.imdbRating
ORDER BY m.imdbRating DESC

Modify the query to return the movie titles with the lowest imdbRating values first.

What is the lowest imdbRating value for a movie?

  • ✓ 1.6


The results will need to be ordered in ascending order.


The correct answer is: 1.6

You can run the following query to see the result:

MATCH (m:Movie)
WHERE m.imdbRating IS NOT NULL
RETURN m.title, m.imdbRating
ORDER BY m.imdbRating ASC


In this challenge, you wrote a query to return results in a specified order.

In the next challenge, you will return results sorted by multiple values