Date and Time data in Cypher
Cypher has these basic formats for storing date and time data.
RETURN date(), datetime(), time()
There are a number of other types of data such as Time, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Timestamp, and Duration which are described in the Temporal Functions section of the Neo4j Cypher Manual.
For training purposes we will create some date/time properties. Execute the following code to create a node in the graph containing these types:
MERGE (x:Test {id: 1})
SET = date(),
x.datetime = datetime(),
x.time = time()
Next, execute this code that will show the types of the properties in the graph:
CALL apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties()
Notice the types for properties stored in the graph.
The graph has Person data of type Date and you have added properties of type DateTime and Time.
Extracting components of a date or datetime
You can access the components of a date or datetime property:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
x.datetime.year, x.datetime.hour,
Setting date values
You can use a string to set a value for a date:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
SET x.date1 = date('2022-01-01'),
x.date2 = date('2022-01-15')
You can set a Date property using a <ISO-date> string.
Setting datetime values
You can use a string to set a value for a datetime:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
SET x.datetime1 = datetime('2022-01-04T10:05:20'),
x.datetime2 = datetime('2022-04-09T18:33:05')
You can set a Datetime property using a <ISO-datetime> string.
Working with durations
A duration is used to determine the difference between two date/datetime values or to add or subtract a duration to a value.
This code returns the duration between date1 and date2 in the graph:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
RETURN duration.between(x.date1,x.date2)
It returns a duration value that represents the days and months and times between the two values. In this case, the duration between date1 and date2 is 14 days.
We can return the duration in days between two datetime values:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
RETURN duration.inDays(x.datetime1,x.datetime2).days
We can add a duration of 6 months:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
RETURN x.date1 + duration({months: 6})
Using APOC to format dates and times
The APOC library has many useful functions for working with all types of data.
Here is one way you can use APOC to format a datetime:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
RETURN x.datetime as Datetime,
apoc.temporal.format( x.datetime, 'HH:mm:ss.SSSS')
AS formattedDateTime
Here is another example:
MATCH (x:Test {id: 1})
RETURN, "ms")
AS iso8601
You can also use apoc.temporal.toZonedTemporal()
for parsing arbitrary formatted temporal values with a format string.
Check your understanding
1. How long did Charlie Chaplin live?
We need to calculate how old Charlie Chaplin was when he died. What code do you use?
Once you have selected your option, click the Check Results query button to continue.
MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE = 'Charlie Chaplin'
/*select:RETURN duration.between(p.born,p.died).years*/
RETURN duration.years(p.born,p.died)
RETURN duration.between(p.born,p.died).years
RETURN p.died - p.born
RETURN p.born - p.died
You want to return the duration between the two dates in years.
RETURN duration.between(p.born,p.died).years
is the correct answer.
There is no function duration.years()
You cannot perform arithmetic operations between two Date values.
2. Temporal data stored in graph
How is the born and died properties for a Person node stored in the graph?
❏ String
❏ Datetime
❏ Long
✓ Date
You can execute `CALL apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties()' to view the property types in the graph.
Date is the correct answer.
In this lesson, you learned how to work with date, datetime, and timestamp data in Cypher.
In the next challenge, you will write queries that work with these data types.