Working with dates and times
In the previous lesson, you executed code to create a Test node.
Execute this code to create or update the Test node with these date and datetime values:
MERGE (x:Test {id: 1})
SET = date(),
x.datetime = datetime(),
x.timestamp = timestamp(),
x.date1 = date('2022-04-08'),
x.date2 = date('2022-09-20'),
x.datetime1 = datetime('2022-02-02T15:25:33'),
x.datetime2 = datetime('2022-02-02T22:06:12')
Calculate days between two dates
Write a query to retrieve this Test node and calculate the number of days between date1 and date2.
Enter the number of days:
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Did you create the Test node with the date1 and date2 values?
Use duration.inDays
and extract the days value.
How many days are between date1 and date2?
Once you have entered the answer, click the Try Again button below to continue.
Before you calculate the duration, make sure you have executed this code to create or update the Test node:
MERGE (x:Test {id: 1})
SET = date(),
x.datetime = datetime(),
x.timestamp = timestamp(),
x.date1 = date('2022-04-08'),
x.date2 = date('2022-09-20'),
x.datetime1 = datetime('2022-02-02T15:25:33'),
x.datetime2 = datetime('2022-02-02T22:06:12')
You can run the following query to find the answer:
// calculate the duration
MATCH (x:Test)
RETURN duration.inDays(x.date1,x.date2).days
How many days are between date1 and date2?
Once you have entered the answer, click the Try Again button below to continue.
In this challenge, you wrote a query to calculate the number of days between two dates.
In the next challenge, you will write another query related to datetime data.