Highest Revenue Movies

Using WITH to scope variables

Update the WITH clause in this query to scope the required variables.

WITH 'Tom Hanks' AS theActor
MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = theActor
AND m.revenue IS NOT NULL
WITH ??????, ?????? ORDER BY m.revenue DESC LIMIT 1
RETURN theActor, m.title AS title, m.revenue AS revenue

Answer this question:

What is the highest revenue movie for Tom Hanks?

What movie had the highest revenue? (Note, the answer is case-sensitive)?

  • ✓ Toy Story 3


You will need to use WITH to pass the theActor and m variables.


The answer is Toy Story 3.

Run the following query to see the result:

WITH 'Tom Hanks' AS theActor
MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = theActor
AND m.revenue IS NOT NULL
WITH theActor, m ORDER BY m.revenue DESC LIMIT 1
RETURN theActor, m.title AS title, m.revenue AS revenue


In this challenge, you modified a query to use a WITH clause to limit and order nodes.

In the next challenge, you will answer another question about this query.