Using WITH for map projection to limit results
Here is a query, a version of which you saw in the previous lesson:
MATCH (n:Movie)
WHERE n.imdbRating IS NOT NULL and n.poster IS NOT NULL
// Add WITH clause to return custom data for each movie
ORDER BY n.imdbRating DESC LIMIT 4
RETURN collect(n)
Modify this query by adding a WITH clause that customizes the data returned for each Movie node to include:
List of actor names
List of Genre names
Then answer this question:
Which actor?
What actor acted in more than one of these top four movies? (Name is case-sensitive)
✓ Al Pacino
You will customize what is returned for each movie to include:
The list of actors will be created with:
[ (n)←[:ACTED_IN]-(p) | p { tmdbId:p.imdbId, .name } ]
The list of genres will be created with:
[ (n)-[:IN_GENRE]→(g) | g {.name}]
What actor is in more than one of these top 4 movies? (case-sensitive)
Once you have entered the answer, click the Try Again button below to continue.
You can run the following query to find the answer:
MATCH (n:Movie)
WHERE n.imdbRating IS NOT NULL AND n.poster IS NOT NULL
WITH n {
actors: [ (n)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(p) | p { tmdbId:p.imdbId, .name } ],
genres: [ (n)-[:IN_GENRE]->(g) | g {.name}]
ORDER BY n.imdbRating DESC
RETURN collect(n)
What actor is in more than one of these top 4 movies? (case-sensitive)
Once you have entered the answer, click the Try Again button below to continue.
In this challenge, you wrote a query to use a WITH
clause to return a subset of data using map projection.
In the next challenge, you will answer another question about the graph.