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Introduction to Neo4j & GraphQL

Course Duration
2 hours

In this course you will learn the fundamentals of GraphQL and how to use the Neo4j GraphQL Toolbox and the Neo4j GraphQL Library to create GraphQL APIs backed by a Neo4j graph database.


You should have an understanding of Neo4j graph databases and the Cypher query language as covered by the following introductory courses:


2 hours

What you will learn

  • The fundamentals of GraphQL

  • How to setup the Neo4j GraphQL Toolbox

  • Using the Neo4j GraphQL Library to create:

    • GraphQL type definitions

    • GraphQL queries and generated GraphQL operations

    • GraphQL mutations to manipulate nodes

    • Relationship mutations with nested mutations

    • Custom logic with the @cypher GraphQL schema directive

  • How to get started developing with the Neo4j GraphQL Library

What you need

You will only need access to the Neo4j GraphQL Toolbox to complete this course.

This course includes

  • 11 lessons

  • 15 multiple choice quizzes

  • 1 short hands-on challenge

Get Support

If you find yourself stuck at any stage then our friendly community will be happy to help. You can reach out for help on the Neo4j Community Site, or head over to the Neo4j Discord server for real-time discussions.


If you have any comments or feedback on this course you can email us on

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