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Neo4j Certified Professional

Course Duration
1 hour
Course illustration for Neo4j Certified Professional

The demand for professionals with Neo4j skills is growing tremendously. Now, you can become one of the first to prove your experience. Tomorrow’s jobs require NoSQL and graph database skills – so invest now to advance your career.

Get Your Certification

Now is the perfect time to show your employer, customers, and colleagues that you are a Neo4j expert. With the Neo4j Certified Professional exam, you certify your existing experience and skills.

The exam is limited to an hour.

Pass the certification to be rewarded with a t-shirt in a color of your choice. Note that you are entitled to one free T-shirt if you certify.

certified neo4j professional

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I learn the required skills?
I just passed the exam. Why do I do not see my certificate?

It could take up to 30 minutes for your results to appear in GraphAcademy.

Can I retake the exam?

Yes, if you fail to achieve an 80% score or want to improve your score, you can retake the certification exam later after learning more about Neo4j. Note that you can retake the exam after 24 hours. To retake the exam, delete your exam by clicking the Delete Certification link. Then, you can re-enroll in the exam.

My certification exam says 'Pending', how do I take the exam?

If your exam is pending, you may have exited without finishing it. Delete your exam by clicking the Delete Certification link. Then, you can re-enroll in the exam.

How will I receive my certification?

You will receive an email with a link to your certificate page that you can share with others. Physical certification documents are unavailable.

Are there other free Neo4j certifications available?

We also offer a Neo4j Graph Data Science Certification Exam that tests you using the graph algorithms of the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library.

I completed a certification. Where do I redeem my free t-shirt?

Once you have the certification, head to Rewards & Achievements to redeem your t-shirt.

If you have questions regarding the Neo4j Certification Program or the exam, please email


We recommend completing the following courses to learn everything you need to know to pass this certification.