Using count()
to aggregate data
With the Cypher count()
function, you can perform a count of properties, nodes, relationships, paths, or rows during query processing.
When you aggregate in a Cypher statement, the query must process all patterns in the MATCH
clause to
complete the aggregation to either return results or perform the next part of the query.
Here is an example:
MATCH (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE = 'Tom Hanks'
RETURN AS ActorName,
count(*) AS NumMovies
This query returns the number of movies Tom Hanks acted in. count(*)
returns the number of rows retrieved in the query.
What we return to the client is the name of the actor and the count of the rows.
Here is another example:
PROFILE MATCH (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Person)
RETURN AS ActorName, AS DirectorName,
count(*) AS NumMovies
Here we are returning the actor name and director name pairs and aggregating on the number of rows for each pair. That is, the number of movies for each actor/director pair.
And if we wanted to collect the titles of the movies, it would use the same type of eager aggregation:
PROFILE MATCH (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Person)
RETURN AS ActorName, AS DirectorName,
count(*) AS NumMovies, collect(m.title) AS Movies
Using count()
on property values
You can count the number of properties to see if there are nodes that do not have a value. Here is an example:
MATCH (p:Person)
RETURN count(p) , count(p.born)
In this query, we return the number of Person nodes and the number of born properties in these nodes. We see that these numbers differ so we know that there are Person nodes that do not have the born property in the grapn.
Counting for the next part of the query
Here is an example where we start the query processing by retrieving all actors and their movies.
During the query processing, we want to only return actors that have 2 movies.
We use count()
to further filter the query.
PROFILE MATCH (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WITH a, count(*) AS NumMovies
// can add Movies to also create the list of movies
//, collect(m.title) AS Movies
WHERE NumMovies = 2
//, Movies
Notice that when this query executes, is does an EagerAggregation for the count()
before the filter step.
Counting specific nodes
In addition to counting the number of rows returned, you can also count specific nodes retrieved in the query. In this query:
MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Elvis Presley'})-[]-(m:Movie)-[]-(a:Actor)
RETURN count(*), count(m), count (a)
All count values are the same. The total number of rows is 34. The total number of Actor nodes and Movie nodes is also 34 because the nodes are repeated in each row.
You specify DISTINCT
so that the exact number of movies and actors are counted with no duplicates:
MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Elvis Presley'})-[]-(m:Movie)-[]-(a:Actor)
RETURN count(*), count(DISTINCT m), count (DISTINCT a)
This query returns the total count of rows returned (34), the number of distinct movies (11) and the number of distinct actors (33).
Check your understanding
1. Counting rows
Suppose you have a query that retrieves Movie and Person nodes:
MATCH (p:Person)-[]-(m:Movie)
Which Cypher clause do you use to return the number of rows retrieved?
RETURN total(*)
RETURN count(*)
RETURN totalRows(*)
RETURN numRows(*)
This Cypher function counts rows retrieved in the query step.
You use the count(*)
function to return the number of rows retrieved in this step of the query.
2. Movies that are rated
We want a count of the movie titles in the graph that have been rated.
Use the dropdown below to select the correct RETURN
Once you have selected your option, click the Check Results query button to continue.
MATCH (u:User)-[:RATED]->(m:Movie)
/*select:RETURN count (DISTINCT m.title)*/
RETURN count (*)
RETURN count (m.title)
RETURN count (DISTINCT m.title)
The query returns all user/movie node pairs with the RATED
relationship. Users have rated multiple movies.
How can you just count the number of unique movie titles that have been rated?
The correct answer is RETURN count (DISTINCT m.title)
In this lesson, you reviewed and learned more about aggregating data using count()
in your Cypher queries.
In the next Challenge, you will create a query to aggregate using count()