Working with Percentages and Percentiles

Calculating a percentage

Suppose we wanted to answer the question: What percentage of movies released in 2000 had a rating > 4?

Here is a query that we can attempt to answer this question:

MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.year = 2000
WITH count(*) AS TotalMovies
MATCH ()-[r:RATED]-(m) where r.rating > 4 AND m.year = 2000
WITH count(DISTINCT m) AS GoodMovies, TotalMovies
RETURN TotalMovies, GoodMovies, GoodMovies/TotalMovies AS PercentGood

This query first counts the number of movies released in 2000. Then it uses TotalMovies to filter movies with a rating greater than 4. We end up with proper values for TotalMovies and GoodMovies, but the percentage returned is not correct. If you divide an integer by an integer, the result needs to be converted. You can do so by converting at least one of the integer values.

The query should be:

MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.year = 2000
WITH count(*) AS TotalMovies
MATCH ()-[r:RATED]-(m) where r.rating > 4 AND m.year = 2000
WITH count(DISTINCT m) AS GoodMovies, TotalMovies
RETURN TotalMovies, GoodMovies, round(toFloat(GoodMovies) / toFloat(TotalMovies) * 100) AS PercentGood

You must convert the values to floats and then round the value to come up with PercentGood.

If you want the percentage to be a number between 0 and 1, then you must change the return to:

MATCH (m:Movie) WHERE m.year = 2000
WITH count(*) AS TotalMovies
MATCH ()-[r:RATED]-(m) where r.rating > 4 AND m.year = 2000
WITH count(DISTINCT m) AS GoodMovies, TotalMovies
RETURN TotalMovies, GoodMovies, round(toFloat(GoodMovies) / toFloat(TotalMovies),2) AS PercentGood

Here we do not multiply by 100, but we do specify two decimal places for the rounding.

Determining a percentile value from a list

Cypher has a percentileCont() function you can use to evaluate a set of numeric values to determine the value that is at a percentile within the values. The calculation is done where the values are ordered. Then the element in the list that is at the correct percentile is returned. If the percentile is between two values, the average of the two values is returned.

Here is an example:

UNWIND [80,10,20,30,40,50,60,70] AS x
RETURN percentileCont(x,.50)

For this query:

  1. The elements are sorted is ascending order. [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80]

  2. Then the number of elements are determined. (8)

  3. Then the number of elements less then or equal to the 50% place in the list is calculated as p1. (4)

  4. The last value at p1 is saved as v1. (40)

  5. Then the number of elements greater than or equal to the 50% place in the list is calculated as p2. (4)

  6. The first value at p2 is saved as v2. (50)

  7. If v1 = v2, v1 is returned.

  8. If v1 <> v2, the average of the two values is returned. (45)

This is called a linear interpolation method, calculating a weighted average between two values (v1 and v2) if the desired percentile lies between them.

For this query, the value of 50 is returned:

UNWIND [80,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,90] AS x
RETURN percentileCont(x,.50)

For this query, the value of 27.5 is returned:

UNWIND [80,10,20,30,40,50,60,70] AS x
RETURN percentileCont(x,.25)

Using percentileDisc()

You can also use percentileDisc() which will select the nearest value from the list, rather than calculating an average if the two values are different.

This query will return one of the values in the list that is closest to the percentile:

UNWIND [80,10,20,30,40,50,60,70] AS x
RETURN percentileDisc(x,.25)

This query returns 20 which is the closest value in the list at that percentage.

Check your understanding

1. Percentile

Given a list of numeric elements, what Cypher function returns a value from the list that matches the 50th percentile specified, regardless of the number of elements in the list.

That is, this function on this list, returns the value of 40 for the 50th percentile.

  • percent()

  • percentile()

  • percentileCont()

  • percentileDisc()


This function returns a value from the elements that best fits the percentile.


The correct answer is percentileDisc()

2. What does `percentCont() return?

Given this list:


What is the result of calling percentileCont() on its elements with a percent value of .5?

  • ❏ 3

  • ✓ 3.5

  • ❏ 4


How many elements are in the list? How many elements are ⇐ 50% in the list? Calculate the last element at this place in the list (v1). How many elements are >= 50% in the list? Calculate the first element at this place in the list (v2). If v1 = v2, v1 is returned. If v1 <> v2, the average of the two values is returned.


The correct answer is 3.5


In this lesson, you learned how percentages and percentiles are used in Cypher queries.

In the next Challenge, you will create a query that answers a question about percentiles in the graph data.