75% of Actors Born After a Year

75% of Actors Born After a Year

Write a query that returns the year after which 75% of all Actors were born.

What year is returned?

Once you executed, enter the value below and click Check Answer.

  • ✓ 1972


Make sure you MATCH using the Actor label.

Use the year component of the born property for a person (for example a.born.year).

What year is returned?

Once you have entered the answer, click the Try Again button below to continue.


You can run the following query to find the answer:

MATCH (a:Actor)
RETURN percentileCont(a.born.year,.75)

What year is returned?

Once you have entered the answer, click the Try Again button below to continue.


In this challenge, you wrote a query that calculated a value from the graph based upon a percentile of values.

Congratulations! You have completed this course.