Handling Database Errors

Error Handling

When working with Neo4j, you may encounter various database errors that need to be handled gracefully in your application. The driver exports a Neo4jError class that is inherited by all exceptions thrown by the database. Exceptions related to the driver and its connection are subclasses of DriverError.

Common exceptions

  • CypherSyntaxError - Raised when the Cypher syntax is invalid

  • ConstraintError - Raised when a constraint unique or other is violated

  • AuthError - Raised when authentication fails

  • TransientError - Raised when the database is not accessible

Handling errors

Any errors raised by the driver will have code and message properties that describe the error.

from neo4j.exceptions import Neo4jError

    # Run a Cypher statement
except Neo4jError as e:

The gql_status property contains an error code that corresponds to an error in the ISO GQL standard.

A full list of error codes can be found in Status Codes for Errors & Notifications.

Example: Handling unique constraint violations

One common scenario is dealing with constraint violations when inserting data. A unique constraint ensures that a property value is unique across all nodes with a specific label.

The following Cypher statement creates a unique constraint named unique_email to ensure that the email property is unique for the User label:

FOR (u:User) REQUIRE u.email IS UNIQUE

If a Cypher statement violates this constraint, Neo4j will raise a ConstraintError.

Here’s an example of how to handle a unique constraint violation when creating a new user:

from neo4j.exceptions import ConstraintError

def create_user(tx, name, email):
        result = tx.run("""
            CREATE (u:User {name: $name, email: $email})
            RETURN u
        """, name=name, email=email)

    except ConstraintError as e:
        # Neo.ClientError.Schema.ConstraintValidationFailed
        # The value [email] for property [email] violates the constraint [unique_email]
        print(e.gql_status) # 22N41

Advance to challenge


Proper error handling is crucial for building robust Neo4j applications. By catching and handling specific exceptions:

  • Your application can gracefully handle expected error conditions

  • Users receive meaningful feedback

  • You can implement appropriate recovery strategies

  • Your application remains stable even when errors occur

Best Practices

  • Always catch specific exceptions rather than using a bare except

  • Log errors appropriately for debugging

  • Provide meaningful feedback to users

  • Consider implementing retry logic for transient errors

You can find a full list of driver exceptions in the Neo4j Python Driver Manual.

In the next challenge, you will use this information to handle errors in a real-world scenario.