Let’s practice error handling in a real-world scenario.
You have built an application that includes a registration form for new users.
As part of the setup, you have added a unique constraint on the email
property for the User
FOR (u:User) REQUIRE u.email IS UNIQUE
Your application includes a function called create_user
that creates a new user in the database.
It does not check for existing users with the same email address, and instead relies on the database to enforce the constraint.
Handle the constraint error
Select the correct function to handle the constraint error.
from neo4j.exceptions import ConstraintError
def add_user(tx, name, email):
result = tx.run(
"CREATE (u:User {name: $name, email: $email}) RETURN u",
name=name, email=email
return {"success": True, "message": "User created successfully"}
#select:except ConstraintError as e:
return {"success": False, "message": f"Email {email} already exists"}
✓ except ConstraintError as e
❏ except UserExistsError as e
❏ except ProgrammingError as e
❏ except PEBKACError as e
The Cypher statement above creates a constraint on the email
property for the User
The correct answer is except ConstraintError as e
The except ConstraintError as e
block will catch the constraint error and return a message to the user.
from neo4j.exceptions import ConstraintError
The other options are incorrect because:
is deprecated and should not be used -
is for write transactions only -
is not a valid method for the session object
Lesson Summary
In this challenge you demonstrated how to handle errors in a real-world scenario.
You should now have all of the information needed to build a Python application that connect to Neo4j and the confidence put it into production.
Next Steps
Ready for your next challenge?
The Building real-world Neo4j Applications with Python course will take you through the process of building an API for a movie recommendation website using the skills you have learned in this course.