Create a graph

In the two previous lessons, you used the LangChain Neo4jVector and Neo4jGraph classes to create nodes in the graph. Using Neo4jVector and Neo4Graph is an efficient and easy way to get started.

To create a graph where you can also understand the relationships within the data, you must incorporate the metadata into the data model.

In this lesson, you will create a graph of the course content using the neo4j Python driver and OpenAI API.

Data Model

The data model you will create is a simplified version of the course content model you saw earlier in this module.

Data model showing Course

The graph will contain the following nodes, properties, and relationships:

  • Course, Module, and Lesson nodes with a name property

  • A url property on Lesson nodes will hold the GraphAcademy URL for the lesson

  • Paragraph nodes will have text and embedding property

  • The HAS_MODULE, HAS_LESSON, and CONTAINS relationships will connect the nodes

You can extract the name properties and url metadata from the directory structure of the lesson files. For example, the first lesson of the Neo4j & LLM Fundamentals course has the following path:


You can extract the following metadata from the path:

  • - llm-fundamentals

  • - 1-introduction

  • - 1-neo4j-and-genai

  • Lesson.url -{}/{}/{}

Extracting the data

Open the llm-vectors-unstructured\ file in your code editor.

This starter code loads and chunks the course content.

Load and chunk the content
Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[]

For each chunk, you have to create an embedding of the text and extract the metadata.

Create a function to create and return an embedding using the OpenAI API:

Create embeddings
Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[tag=get_embedding]

Create a 2nd function, which will extract the data from the chunk:

Get course data
Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[tag=get_course_data]

The get_course_data function:

  1. Splits the document source path to extract the course, module, and lesson names

  2. Constructs the url using the extracted names

  3. Extracts the text from the chunk

  4. Creates an embedding using the get_embedding function

  5. Returns a dictionary containing the extracted data

Create the graph

To create the graph, you will need to:

  1. Create an OpenAI object to generate the embeddings

  2. Connect to the Neo4j database

  3. Iterate through the chunks

  4. Extract the course data from each chunk

  5. Create the nodes and relationships in the graph

Create the OpenAI object:

Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[tag=openai]

Connect to the Neo4j sandbox:

Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[tag=neo4j]

Test the connection

You could run your code now to check that you can connect to the OpenAI API and Neo4j sandbox.

To create the data in the graph, you will need a function that incorporates the course data into a Cypher statement and runs it in a transaction.

Create chunk function
Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[tag=create_chunk]

The create_chunk function will accept the data dictionary created by the get_course_data function.

You should be able to identify the $course, $module, $lesson, $url, $text, and $embedding parameters in the Cypher statement.

Iterate through the chunks and execute the create_chunk function:

Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[tag=create]

A new session is created for each chunk. The execute_write method calls the create_chunk function, passing the data dictionary created by the get_course_data function.

Finally, close the driver.

Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[tag=close]
Click to view the complete code
Unresolved directive in lesson.adoc - include::[]

Explore the graph

Run the code to create the graph. It will take a minute or two to complete as it creates the embeddings for each paragraph.

View the graph by running the following Cypher:

MATCH (c:Course)-[:HAS_MODULE]->(m:Module)-[:HAS_LESSON]->(l:Lesson)-[:CONTAINS]->(p:Paragraph)
Result from the Cypher

You will need to create a vector index to query the paragraph embeddings.

Create Vector Index
FOR (p:Paragraph)
ON p.embedding
OPTIONS {indexConfig: {
 `vector.dimensions`: 1536,
 `vector.similarity_function`: 'cosine'

You can use the vector index and the graph to find a lesson to help with specific questions:

Find a lesson
WITH genai.vector.encode(
    "How does RAG help ground an LLM?",
    { token: "sk-..." }) AS userEmbedding
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('paragraphs', 6, userEmbedding)
YIELD node, score
MATCH (l:Lesson)-[:CONTAINS]->(node)
RETURN, l.url, score

Explore the graph and see how the relationships between the nodes can bring additional meaning to the unstructured data.

When you are ready to move on, click Continue.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, you created a graph of course content.

In the next lesson, you will learn how to add topics to the graph.


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