Creating an Agent

The first step towards an LLM-integrated chatbot is to create an Agent.

You may recall in the Agents lesson in the Neo4j & LLM Fundamentals course, that Agents are objects that use an LLM to identify and execute a sequence of actions in response to a user input.

In this challenge, you must:

  1. Use the create_react_agent function to create a new agent

  2. Create a handler function that instructs the agent to handle messages

  3. Call the new handler function from

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Initializing an Agent

Langchain provides functions for creating a new Agent. There are different types of agents that you can create. The create_react_agent() function creates a ReAct - Reasoning and Acting) agent type.

Agents are run using an AgentExecutor object, which is responsible for executing the actions returned by the Agent.

To create a new agent, create a new file, and copy and paste the code below.

from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_react_agent
from langchain import hub

# Include the LLM from a previous lesson
from llm import llm

agent_prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/react-chat")
agent = create_react_agent(llm, tools, agent_prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(

The code is still missing some variables used in the create_react_agent call, so we’ll cover them one by one.


This is set to the instance of ChatOpenAI created in Creating an LLM Instance.

from llm import llm


The AgentExecutor requires a list of tools.

Tools are objects that can be used by the Agent to perform actions.

During this course, you will create multiple tools that can be used by the Agent to perform specific tasks. However, a tool is required for "general chat" so the agent can respond to a user’s input when no other tool is available.

Add this code to the file to create a new tool that can be used for general chat.

Import the Tool class into

Importing the Tool class
from import Tool

Then add the tool to a tools list using the Tool.from_function() static method.

Registering the Tool
tools = [
        name="General Chat",
        description="For general chat not covered by other tools",

The function expects three arguments:

  1. The name of the tool, in this case, General Chat.

  2. A description that the agent LLM will use when deciding which tool it should use for a particular task.

  3. The function to call once this tool has been selected. In this case, llm.invoke(), which will return a response from the LLM.


An agent requires a prompt. You could create a prompt, but in this example, the program pulls a pre-existing prompt from the Langsmith Hub.

The hwcase17/react-chat prompt instructs the model to provide an answer using the tools available in a specific format.

Conversation Memory

To allow the bot to maintain a list of recent messages, you can pass an instance of ConversationBufferWindowMemory to the initialize_agent() function.

Conversational Memory
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationBufferWindowMemory
memory = ConversationBufferWindowMemory(

Verbose Output

When the verbose argument is set to True, you can view the reasoning the agent has used in the console.

An example output
> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
    "action": "Cypher QA",
    "action_input": "What are some films starring Leonardo DiCaprio?"
> Entering new GraphCypherQAChain chain...
Generated Cypher:
MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE = "Leonardo DiCaprio"
RETURN m.title AS film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio
Full Context:
[{'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Great Gatsby, The'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Gangs of New York'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Aviator, The'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Departed, The'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Total Eclipse'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Basketball Diaries, The'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Titanic'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Man in the Iron Mask, The'}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet"}, {'film_starring_Leonardo_DiCaprio': 'Blood Diamond'}]
> Finished chain.
Observation: {'query': 'What are some films starring Leonardo DiCaprio?', 'result': 'Some films starring Leonardo DiCaprio include "Great Gatsby, The", "Gangs of New York", "Aviator, The", "Departed, The", "Total Eclipse", "Basketball Diaries, The", "Titanic", "Man in the Iron Mask, The", "William Shakespeare\'s Romeo + Juliet", and "Blood Diamond".'}
    "action": "Final Answer",
    "action_input": "Some films starring Leonardo DiCaprio include 'Great Gatsby, The', 'Gangs of New York', 'Aviator, The', 'Departed, The', 'Total Eclipse', 'Basketball Diaries, The', 'Titanic', 'Man in the Iron Mask, The', 'William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet', and 'Blood Diamond'."

Add a Handler Function

The agent_executor object is callable and expects a single input, the user’s input. The function returns a dict that will contain an output key containing the final response generated by the LLM.

At the bottom of the file, create a new generate_response() function to replicate the value. The role of the function should be to take a single string input, call the agent object and return the answer generated by the LLM.

Conversational Memory
def generate_response(prompt):
    Create a handler that calls the Conversational agent
    and returns a response to be rendered in the UI

    response = agent_executor.invoke({"input": prompt})

    return response['output']

Calling the new Handler function

You can now update the bot to call the new generate_response() function by modifying the handle_submit() function in

Start by importing the generate_response() from the file.

from agent import generate_response

Now modify the handle_submit() button to instead call the handle_submit() method. You can use the write_message() function to display the message on screen.

# Submit handler
def handle_submit(message):
    # Handle the response
    with st.spinner('Thinking...'):

        response = generate_response(message)
        write_message('assistant', response)

Receving a Response

You should now have the makings of an intelligent LLM-integrated chatbot. If you ask a question, you should get a generated response from the LLM appended to the list of messages.

Once you have received a response from the LLM, click the button below to mark the challenge as completed.


In this lesson, you created a Conversation agent that is capable of communicating with an LLM. However, it is a good idea to specify what kind of questions the LLM can respond to.

In the next lesson, you will define the scope of the agent and restrict the type of responses it provides.


Hi, I am an Educational Learning Assistant for Intelligent Network Exploration. You can call me E.L.A.I.N.E.

How can I help you today?