Here is the initial instance model you will be working with:

Run the Cypher code below to:
Delete any nodes already existing in your sandbox.
Add the Person and Movie nodes to the graph which will serve as our initial instance model.
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Apollo 13', tmdbId: 568, released: '1995-06-30', imdbRating: 7.6, genres: ['Drama', 'Adventure', 'IMAX']})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks', tmdbId: 31, born: '1956-07-09'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Meg Ryan', tmdbId: 5344, born: '1961-11-19'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Danny DeVito', tmdbId: 518, born: '1944-11-17'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Jack Nicholson', tmdbId: 514, born: '1937-04-22'})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Sleepless in Seattle', tmdbId: 858, released: '1993-06-25', imdbRating: 6.8, genres: ['Comedy', 'Drama', 'Romance']})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Hoffa', tmdbId: 10410, released: '1992-12-25', imdbRating: 6.6, genres: ['Crime', 'Drama']})
Notice that this Cypher uses the Neo4j best practice guidelines for naming labels (CamelCase) and properties (camelCase).
You can verify that the nodes have been created by running this code:
You should have 7 nodes in the graph.
Validate Results
Once you have run the query to create the nodes, click the Check Database button and we will check the database for you.
It looks you don’t have the seven nodes from the query above in your database. Have you deleted any of them before clicking Check Database?
Try clicking Run in Sandbox on the two queries below:
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Apollo 13', tmdbId: 568, released: '1995-06-30', imdbRating: 7.6, genres: ['Drama', 'Adventure', 'IMAX']})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks', tmdbId: 31, born: '1956-07-09'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Meg Ryan', tmdbId: 5344, born: '1961-11-19'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Danny DeVito', tmdbId: 518, born: '1944-11-17'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Jack Nicholson', tmdbId: 514, born: '1937-04-22'})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Sleepless in Seattle', tmdbId: 858, released: '1993-06-25', imdbRating: 6.8, genres: ['Comedy', 'Drama', 'Romance']})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Hoffa', tmdbId: 10410, released: '1992-12-25', imdbRating: 6.6, genres: ['Crime', 'Drama']})
Once you have run these queries, the following query should return 7.
MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)
In this challenge, you populated the graph with nodes to represent the initial instance model you will be working with in this course.
In the next challenge, you will model a new node for the graph data model.