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Graph Data Modeling Fundamentals

Course Duration
2 Hours

Course Description

This course teaches you everything you need to know to create performant graph models in Neo4j.


2 Hours

What you will learn

Here are the modules of this course that will teach you the basics of graph data modeling for Neo4j:

  • What is a graph data model?

  • Modeling nodes and creating nodes for an instance model.

  • Modeling relationships and creating relationships for an instance model.

  • Testing the graph data model.

  • Why refactor a graph data model and how labels help.

  • Eliminating duplicate data in the graph.

  • Using specific relationship types.

  • Adding intermediate nodes.

Get Support

If you find yourself stuck at any stage then our friendly community will be happy to help. You can reach out for help on the Neo4j Community Site, or head over to the Neo4j Discord server for real-time discussions.


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