Creating a Node

In this challenge, you will create a new node for an actor not in the database, Daniel Kaluuya.

Create a new Person node for Daniel Kaluuya

Replace the ????? with the correct Cypher to create a new Person node with the name property of Daniel Kaluuya.

MERGE (p:????? {name: '?????'})

You can validate the node has been created using MATCH and filtering for the name property of Daniel Kaluuya.

MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Daniel Kaluuya'})

Validate Results

Once you have created the node, click the Check Database button to check the database and continue.


Add the :Person node label and set the name property to Daniel Kaluuya.

The Person label, name property, and Daniel Kaluuya value are all case sensitive.


To create the Person node you can either use the CREATE or MERGE keywords. The MERGE statement in the query below will only create the node if it does not already exist in the graph.

Run this Cypher query to create a Person node for Daniel Kaluuya:

MERGE (p:Person {name: 'Daniel Kaluuya'})


In this challenge, you used Cypher to create a node. In the next lesson, you will learn how to create relationships between nodes.